Instant Science

Here you can find some personal reflections on issues concerning my professional interests.

These include Business Process Management, Organization Design, and the use of information technology in a wide sense.

Disclaimer: This blog is not an official Gartner publication. The content represents my personal point of view, but not necessarily the official standpoint of my employer.

Any comments are welcome!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Data retention law - Vorratsdatenspeicherung - Freedom of speech R.I.P.

Today, the German parliament passed a law on telecommunication and internet connection data retention. The law incorporates the principles of the EU Data Retention Directive, that is the mandatory retention of all telecoms traffic data for law enforcement purposes.

In brief, starting in 2008, all providers of telecommunication services and ISPs are required to store the connection data of their customers for 6 months and to make it available to law enforcement agencies upon request.

Traffic data to be stored includes a variety of information - sender and recipient of emails, phone numbers of callers and recipients for each phone call, etc. In addition, the use of anonymization services will be forbidden.

I strongly object this law, since I consider it as being an intrusion into my and other citizens privacy. I have joined a class action against the law that will be brought in front of the German constitutional court.

If you want to know, more, please click on the image below:


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