Instant Science

Here you can find some personal reflections on issues concerning my professional interests.

These include Business Process Management, Organization Design, and the use of information technology in a wide sense.

Disclaimer: This blog is not an official Gartner publication. The content represents my personal point of view, but not necessarily the official standpoint of my employer.

Any comments are welcome!

Friday, April 10, 2009

IT Cost Containment

Over the past months, driven by the economic crisis, cost containment and reduction has become a major topic. Also the CIO business expectations for 2009 indicate that cost containment is on the rise. Improving business processes has been the #1 priority since 2006, but for 2009, rank 2 and 3 are occupied by cost reduction and workforce effectiveness.

This is also reflected in our client interactions, where cost reduction measures have become a frequent discussion topic. We therefore developed an approach to quickly identify savings potentials on the basis of comparing a reduced set of key metrics of a client organization with peer group data. A significant deviation will not reveal causal relations and automatically define the right measures to address the issue, but it provides an indicator which areas should be subject to a more detailed analysis and maybe a sub-sequent full-blown cost reduction program.

The following pic provides an overview of the complete approach:
