Instant Science

Here you can find some personal reflections on issues concerning my professional interests.

These include Business Process Management, Organization Design, and the use of information technology in a wide sense.

Disclaimer: This blog is not an official Gartner publication. The content represents my personal point of view, but not necessarily the official standpoint of my employer.

Any comments are welcome!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Social Sites

I wrote about that some time ago, but the issue is still highly relevant.

It has become increasingly difficult to follow the development in the social software space. Blogs, wikis, social tagging, networking sites, etc. A consolidation will surely take place over the next years but for the time being, one has to maintain a variety of profiles on different sites. Here are some of mine:

Profile on Facebook
Profile on Xing
Public profile on LinkedIn

If we assume that Web 2.0 technology will become an important of enterprise information management, corporate IT departments will have to handle a variety of challenges.