Instant Science

Here you can find some personal reflections on issues concerning my professional interests.

These include Business Process Management, Organization Design, and the use of information technology in a wide sense.

Disclaimer: This blog is not an official Gartner publication. The content represents my personal point of view, but not necessarily the official standpoint of my employer.

Any comments are welcome!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Tax-payers' commemoration day 2008

Three day ago, on July 8, German tax payers could celebrate this year's commemoration day, i.e. from that day on they work for their own pocket and not for the government and social security.

Last year, this remarkable day was July 13, so there has been some improvement (of course, this depends on whom you ask). Nevertheless, it is astonishing that you have to work more than 6 months before you can reap and keep the benefits.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Telekom: Issue resolved

My issue with Telekom regarding the upgrade of my DSL connection was resolved to my fullest satisfaction. The story unfolded like this:
About two weeks after the letter from Telekom's Board of Management support, I received a call, telling me that they had taken the following measures:

  • For the router invoice, a credit voucher had been issued.

  • The law firm had been contacted to withdraw their claim

  • When returning home from my business trip later that week, I indeed had a credit voucher and a letter from the law form in my mail box. So, nothing more to say from my side.