Instant Science

Here you can find some personal reflections on issues concerning my professional interests.

These include Business Process Management, Organization Design, and the use of information technology in a wide sense.

Disclaimer: This blog is not an official Gartner publication. The content represents my personal point of view, but not necessarily the official standpoint of my employer.

Any comments are welcome!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Follow-up: DSL upgrade - Disappointed by Telekom

In a previous post (Instant Science: DSL upgrade - Disappointed by Telekom) I expressed my disappointment with Deutsche Telekom. Well, my mood didn't get better when I received a letter from a lawyer that claimed around 34 € in the name of Deutsche Telekom, but without actually explaining where this amount comes from and how it is composed. I assume that this is rather irregular from a legal perspective.

Consequently, I sent a letter to the law firm, asking for proof that he actually acted in the name of Telekom and also requiring a more detailed explanation of the claim. Some research on the net also indicated that the law firm is well-known, maybe one could say notorious, for its behavior. There seem to be thousands of complaints in various blogs and forums. Just search for "Seiler & Kollegen" and you will be surprised.

And, since I really was in a good mood, I also wrote a letter of complaint to Mr. Timotheus Höttges. Mr. Höttges is member of the board of management of Deutsche Telekom and also responsible for T-Home and Sales & Service. I am really looking forward to receiving a reply.

UPDATE 05-06-08

I received a reply to my letter to Mr. Höttges, Deutsche Telekom's BoM member being responsible for Sales and Service. The letter came from the BoM support unit and promised that the complaint would be forwarded to the appropriate specialists who would get in touch with me.

From the law firm I haven't received any response so far.

I am looking forward to the further proceeding ...

EU - List of restricted handluggage items

I received a reply from the EASA (see below). It declares that the list of forbidden items is not within the responsibility of the EASA and asks me to contact the European Commission instead. Of course, I have already done this. Once again, I am waiting for an answer.

Sehr geehrter Herr Simon,
bitte entschuldigen Sie die verspätete Antwort. Leider müssen wir Sie auch bitten, sich damit an die Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Verkehr zu wenden, da die Liste der verbotenen Gegenstände nicht in den Aufgabenbereich der EASA fällt. Sie können Ihre Frage an senden.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
EASA Communications Department